Tuesday, September 5, 2017

WellBeing coach! What is that thing ?

Well-being coach! What is that thing ?

I communicate about well-being and happiness and spirituality, some who know me do not really understand this notion. The life "loaded with experience" that I lived to build the man that I am today, I have reached a level of serenity that I wish to share with my neighbour, my attachment to these values ​​of life, the visceral desire to bring to others this state of grace in their everyday life has prompted me to wonder about the best way to share this happiness to live ... The term welfare has two main designations: is physical and that is psychological.


Well-being is a state related to health, pleasure,

to self-realization, to harmony with oneself and others.

This notion of overall good health could be

notions of autonomy, pleasures and

of the absence of punishment, to maximize general well-being.

The term well-being has 2 aspects: the one that is physical and that which is psychological. Physical well-being is defined by sensation general physiological health, satisfying the needs of the primordials of the body. It may include lack of fatigue and stress. Psychological well-being is the result of a personal and subjective assessment which can come from various satisfactions, financial, professional, but also the absence of mental disorders.

And if spirituality also brings well-being ...
The notion of spirituality has different definitions depending on the context of its use. It is traditionally related to religion from the perspective of of the human being in relation to a higher being (God) and the salvation of the soul. It refers, from a philosophical point of view, to the opposition of matter and of the spirit, or of interiority and exteriority. It also refers to the quest for meaning, hope or liberation, and the processes associated with it (initiations, rituals, personal development, New Age). It can also, and more recently, be understood as dissociated from faith in God, to evoke a "spirituality without a god".

Spiritual experience (or mystical experience), through the search for interiority, self-knowledge, transcendence, wisdom, or transcendence of the limitations of the human condition is inseparable from the intellectual approach. This is why spirituality generally leads to bodily approaches, emotional and mystical, seeking to generate a transcendent experience, a relationship (according to one of the etymologies of religion) with God, the Self, Consciousness, Soul, World, Becoming etc. For some, the purpose of spirituality is a deep exploration of interiority, leading to spiritual awakening, an intimate conversion, or accession to a state of modified and sustainable consciousness.

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