Wednesday, September 6, 2017


The value of time

The value of time:

    To learn the value of a year, ask the student who missed an exam.
    To learn the value of a month, ask the mother who brought a child into the world too soon.
    To learn the value of a week, ask the editor of a weekly newspaper.
    To learn the value of an hour, asks the fiancés who wait to see each other again.
    To learn the value of a minute, ask the one who missed his train, his bus or his plane.
    To learn the value of a second, ask the one who lost someone in an accident.
    To learn the value of a millisecond, ask the one who won a silver medal at the Olympic Games.
    Time does not wait for anyone. Gather every moment that you have left and it will be of great value. Share them with a person of choice and they will become even more precious.
 The source of this poem is unknown (translation of a German excerpt).

It opens the reflection on values ​​a little deeper.
An angel more in heaven or an angel less on Earth one must say when an important person leaves us? I prefer to say an angel more in heaven because it proves that his way continues.

In our human life on earth, time is flying at a terrible speed. One comes into the world, one becomes a child, a teenager, a young adult and there time runs at a frightening speed. We run after our free time, we run after our job, children, social life, family, our money. But in any case, there are times when we share our precious time with the people we love and that's why it hurts so much when it's time for them to leave us.

We attach ourselves, we love, we cherish, we curs, we enrage, we cry, we applaud. All this is our life. A life that is given to us for a limited time. We know when we are born, we do not know when we will leave. That's why we have to do everything to be happy, because we do not know when it will end. I would refuse to die unhappy. But how many have done it? To die unhappy, with regrets or a great secret, seems to me that there is not much worse, except perhaps to let a person leave without telling him that we love him.

So express your feelings, tell your loved ones that you love them, get back in touch with those you have lost sight of.

Laughter and Joy

Living in laughter and joy

You have to be serious in life ...

Who said that? I do not know but definitely we all heard this tirade hundreds of times. Enough for me, and I replaced this statement worn by ... One must be joyful in life!

There is seldom talk of joy, it is a feeling that can be lived only at the present moment. Or, we talk about the past, the future, but very little about the present and what relates to it. Think about it! Have you ever heard someone declared ... "One day I will be happy"?

True joy is also a very inner feeling, difficult to promote it on a daily basis. I really like the expression of Dorenn Virtue "joy is the nectar of the heart"! (French Book).
There is no cause external to joy, it is simple! it hides herself, lurking in your inner fort, and to surface it you need only an invitation! Make a brief introspection, feel its presence, then make it rise. Here…

To always live in joy ... just repeat the recipe:
Call the joy,
find it,
keep it and express it!

Joy is our inner sun. It illuminates everything, gives warmth to simple things and invigorates the everyday by awakening our creativity. "Joy is in everything, you must know how to extract it"
Invest in your Laughs !!!!

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

WellBeing coach! What is that thing ?

Well-being coach! What is that thing ?

I communicate about well-being and happiness and spirituality, some who know me do not really understand this notion. The life "loaded with experience" that I lived to build the man that I am today, I have reached a level of serenity that I wish to share with my neighbour, my attachment to these values ​​of life, the visceral desire to bring to others this state of grace in their everyday life has prompted me to wonder about the best way to share this happiness to live ... The term welfare has two main designations: is physical and that is psychological.


Well-being is a state related to health, pleasure,

to self-realization, to harmony with oneself and others.

This notion of overall good health could be

notions of autonomy, pleasures and

of the absence of punishment, to maximize general well-being.

The term well-being has 2 aspects: the one that is physical and that which is psychological. Physical well-being is defined by sensation general physiological health, satisfying the needs of the primordials of the body. It may include lack of fatigue and stress. Psychological well-being is the result of a personal and subjective assessment which can come from various satisfactions, financial, professional, but also the absence of mental disorders.

And if spirituality also brings well-being ...
The notion of spirituality has different definitions depending on the context of its use. It is traditionally related to religion from the perspective of of the human being in relation to a higher being (God) and the salvation of the soul. It refers, from a philosophical point of view, to the opposition of matter and of the spirit, or of interiority and exteriority. It also refers to the quest for meaning, hope or liberation, and the processes associated with it (initiations, rituals, personal development, New Age). It can also, and more recently, be understood as dissociated from faith in God, to evoke a "spirituality without a god".

Spiritual experience (or mystical experience), through the search for interiority, self-knowledge, transcendence, wisdom, or transcendence of the limitations of the human condition is inseparable from the intellectual approach. This is why spirituality generally leads to bodily approaches, emotional and mystical, seeking to generate a transcendent experience, a relationship (according to one of the etymologies of religion) with God, the Self, Consciousness, Soul, World, Becoming etc. For some, the purpose of spirituality is a deep exploration of interiority, leading to spiritual awakening, an intimate conversion, or accession to a state of modified and sustainable consciousness.

The healer in us

The Healer In Us

Hello my beloved brothers and sisters. This is my first time writing as i am talking to YOU on my Blog "Spiritual To Me".
My intention here is to talk to you about Healing.

You are already Healers. You are not learning to become Healers. You are remembering the Healer you are. Healing is not a technique, although there are many techniques you can learn to help you in your Healing work.
You are Healer because of what you are in your depth.
It is your presence that engenders healing. It is your energy that generates healing. It is so because of who you are, so it is.

You decided that before you were born because of the very special connection with your Source. This link is inscribed in your soul. You have a connection with us, with the world of Energy, the world of Spirits, Guides and Light. We act through you.
You are our hands. Simply we are in the Light and you are in Matter. If you do not use your Healing gift, you will eventually get caught up in your problems. You can not stop this movement, you can only follow it. Many of the problems you think you have are the result of a stop of this movement. When your attention is too directed at yourself. You are too preoccupied with your own problems that you think you have to solve before you can help the other.

But I am not saying so.

Put yourself in the service of others, that is how you will find your movement.
The other will find its movement. And you will free yourself from your obsessions because youre open (and open the other) to the immensity of the world.
I am very grateful to you for being incarnate in these times. There's a lot of you. You must feed each other. There is a lot of work to be done. There is a great deal of work to be done. There are many hearts to be reached, many souls to be cared for, many beings to awaken. This is your task, you can not avoid it.

You are not responsible for the enlightenment of others. As a Healer, your responsibility is to help the other find his own movement, to help him awaken to his own Truth. You help the other to find in him the resources he needs to heal himself.
My friends, do not be discouraged. The world is Healing. And all of you are Healing. Slowly, beings awaken. Do not be discouraged, we are not, we have a lot of hope. Every time you touch someone's heart, there is more Joy in the world. Whenever you act with your Truth, you bring more joy into the world. Whenever you are Conscious, you bring the world to Consciousness.

My Friends, you will all remember your origins.
Remembering who you are, you will be able to remember why you are here.

Receive my Light.