The value of time
The value of time:
To learn the value of a year, ask the student who missed an exam.
To learn the value of a month, ask the mother who brought a child into the world too soon.
To learn the value of a week, ask the editor of a weekly newspaper.
To learn the value of an hour, asks the fiancés who wait to see each other again.
To learn the value of a minute, ask the one who missed his train, his bus or his plane.
To learn the value of a second, ask the one who lost someone in an accident.
To learn the value of a millisecond, ask the one who won a silver medal at the Olympic Games.
Time does not wait for anyone. Gather every moment that you have left and it will be of great value. Share them with a person of choice and they will become even more precious.
The source of this poem is unknown (translation of a German excerpt).
It opens the reflection on values a little deeper.
An angel more in heaven or an angel less on Earth one must say when an important person leaves us? I prefer to say an angel more in heaven because it proves that his way continues.
In our human life on earth, time is flying at a terrible speed. One comes into the world, one becomes a child, a teenager, a young adult and there time runs at a frightening speed. We run after our free time, we run after our job, children, social life, family, our money. But in any case, there are times when we share our precious time with the people we love and that's why it hurts so much when it's time for them to leave us.
We attach ourselves, we love, we cherish, we curs, we enrage, we cry, we applaud. All this is our life. A life that is given to us for a limited time. We know when we are born, we do not know when we will leave. That's why we have to do everything to be happy, because we do not know when it will end. I would refuse to die unhappy. But how many have done it? To die unhappy, with regrets or a great secret, seems to me that there is not much worse, except perhaps to let a person leave without telling him that we love him.
So express your feelings, tell your loved ones that you love them, get back in touch with those you have lost sight of.
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