Monday, October 21, 2013

Change Your Life With Positive Thinking

Change Your Life With Positive Thinking

Positive thinking works for everyone, provided as it is implemented correctly!

What should we think of positive thinking?

The real question is whether it works or not. So to better realize it, let's look at the negative thought, the one with which you are currently living ... Does having negative thoughts brings positive things in our lives?

I'll let you answer that question.

So negative thinking works.

You've noticed, when you're angry, angry, you see everything in black, you're not happy and do not get anything. And the more you stay in that state, the more you feed it, the more you accumulate bad things in you and around you and the less they work. Have never noticed that the "bad days, all the" worries "(to remain politically correct) cumulate one after the other.

So, first common sense conclusion, it is better to live with positive thoughts than with negative thoughts.

Scientific explanations of the benefit of positive thoughts.

Research has shown that the brain does not differentiate between what it thinks and reality. In other words, he reacts in the same way by imagining one thing (and living it internally) only by actually living it.

the brain does not know the negation, if you think: "I'm not hungry," he will only remember "HUNGER"

The other good news; it is because the brain is malleable. Which means that if we are inclined to very often have negative thoughts, we can change that.

Try for yourself "positive thoughts".

So there is nothing to lose to practice. But there are some little secrets to have for a complete success.

Practice positive thinking in a sincere way by involving your emotions. Let us take an example: you are alone, single, and you think that no one wants you and that in any case all the people of the opposite sex are bad and that you are null, etc., etc. , it also works for the job you can not find, well, not easy to reverse the steam if you are convinced by all that. So, start slowly. Imagine yourself with someone you like. But do not just imagine. Also feel the why you want to be with that person. What do you look for in your feelings? Feel the happiness this would bring you. Involve your emotions. Always be just and sincere with you. Do not go faster than music. You can follow the same thought path with a job.

Imagine you're happy to go to work every morning, do a job you love, make new friends who have a life, activities, projects. Imagine, you get your salary every month, you also have the means to have leisure, to pay your bills, to be able to offer a gift, to pass your license, to take a small loan to change this old car ... Feel the life to which you aspire. Feel the happiness it would bring you, the esteem of you that goes back. Always be honest and realistic towards yourself. Build step by step the steps towards your project your dream

Practice regularly. This is surely the most important thing to know. Practicing positive thinking once a week does not serve ... nothing. Practice every day, several times a day. There is no need to sit cross-legged to practice or even spend a quarter of an hour (although it also brings a lot of doing this once a day for example). A few seconds, a few minutes will always be beneficial. You do it with your negative thoughts all the time. So use this know-how to apply it to positive thoughts.

WARNING ! Practicing positive thinking does not mean to cover your face and make you believe that everything is going well. Things are what they are. It is the way to look at these things that is important. Be positive, but do not be blind.

Let us return to the first example cited above. You are alone, it is a fact. Do not make yourself believe that this is not true. And above all, do not make you believe that it does not make you suffer. Do not make yourself believe that this is not a problem and that everything is going well (especially if it rotates your life). Just try to have a different angle of view by saying, "Okay, I'm alone and it hurts me, but millions of people are like me and millions of people find someone who matches them because the world is full of millions of possibilities. I have the right to happiness, I believe I have defects, but also qualities (to name them). There is someone to me somewhere, etc., etc. Remember, be just and sincere with you. Change the angle of view and little by little the universe will give you something that matches this vibration.

For the second example, it is exactly the same process,

Okay I can not get to hire or keep my job, but thousands of people are like me, and also thousands of people find a job and are kept, because the job market is full of job not filled, there are thousands of possibilities. I have the right to work, work is a right, I think I have shortcomings, I missed diplomas or experience, I am too young or too old, but I also have a lot (list them), qualities (name them), and I have a real motivation to find and keep a job. there is somewhere a job for me, etc., etc. Never forget to be honest and lucid with you (eg long-haul driver's job requires skills and abilities that you may not have), Change your angle of view and gradually l 'universe will direct you to your solution, the one that suits you.

Very important in your practice: Practicing positive thinking means opening your mind.

If you want to be more positive, you must open your conscience, get into the habit of challenging everything. If you remain closed to believe that everyone is rotten, that in any case life is nothing and that it can bring nothing to you, there is little chance that things will change for you. You must be ready and accept to make a real inner revolution.

So you have to train yourself every day to change the way you see things. Challenging even the unthinkable. Relax every day, listen to music, relax.

But the ultimate practice is the daily meditation that will enable you to see all the things that come before you from a totally new angle.

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