Is it the heart or the mind who guide you?
What is the point of being guided by his heart?
The heart is the privileged compass you received at birth to guide you through life. Unfortunately, for most people this compass is replaced at a certain age by the mind. The decisions we make with the heart are decisions that suit us, decisions made by us for us. The heart is us 100%. To listen to his heart is to listen to his soul and to hear his wishes and desires. To listen to one's heart is to follow the path of happiness.
Decisions made by the mind are decisions that have been influenced, pre-formatted by our entourage which is made up of our family, our friends, society, education. The mind is always limiting, it makes decisions by scrolling the limits of what you can (or think you can) do. The heart sees no limits, sees opportunities. Decisions that we take with the mind are decisions that will often lead to regrets, frustrations.
Do not panic, it is never too late to make some adjustments and change course! Here are some first steps to return your life and choose a more suitable guide and become completely autonomous and independent.
1. Take a sheet and write what we want in our lives. You always know very well what you do not want, but take the time to note all the elements you wish to have / keep in your life (material and immaterial). This is a first step to look at where you are in realizing your dreams and to change things in your life if you had been deviated from your race.
2. Define your 4 key values. What are the values you need? On what values do you want to build your life? The 4 values you choose are the 4 values on which you can build your life now (these values may change over the years). So before making a big decision, you will look at whether this decision or this new situation is in line with your key values.
I give you mine as example: Joy, love, gratitude and authenticity. I am therefore vigilant before undertaking anything, that what I am going to do will give me joy, that I can do it with love, that I feel gratitude by visualising my objective and that this action is in agreement with who I am.
3. Evaluate your advisors. You can seek advice from other people, but be careful not to let your decisions be made by someone else. And above all, be vigilant to whom you ask advice and by whom you let you consult. Does the person I ask for advice have the same values or similar values? Is this person in a situation where I would like to be? Does this person have expertise on the subject that I ask for information on? Is the person a person who realizes his own dreams? If the answer is no, change your advisor.
I reassure you right away, all these things will come automatically after a while. The mind will collaborate with the heart instead of trying to dominate it and the decisions you make will increasingly be consistent with your values and dreams, even without thinking. Your life will take a race more suited to you and your wishes without you having to make a lot of effort.
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