Sunday, November 25, 2012

Is it the heart or the mind who guide you?

Is it the heart or the mind who guide you?

What is the point of being guided by his heart?
The heart is the privileged compass you received at birth to guide you through life. Unfortunately, for most people this compass is replaced at a certain age by the mind. The decisions we make with the heart are decisions that suit us, decisions made by us for us. The heart is us 100%. To listen to his heart is to listen to his soul and to hear his wishes and desires. To listen to one's heart is to follow the path of happiness.
Decisions made by the mind are decisions that have been influenced, pre-formatted by our entourage which is made up of our family, our friends, society, education. The mind is always limiting, it makes decisions by scrolling the limits of what you can (or think you can) do. The heart sees no limits, sees opportunities. Decisions that we take with the mind are decisions that will often lead to regrets, frustrations.

What do I do when I realize that I am being guided by the "wrong" compass?
Do not panic, it is never too late to make some adjustments and change course! Here are some first steps to return your life and choose a more suitable guide and become completely autonomous and independent.

1. Take a sheet and write what we want in our lives. You always know very well what you do not want, but take the time to note all the elements you wish to have / keep in your life (material and immaterial). This is a first step to look at where you are in realizing your dreams and to change things in your life if you had been deviated from your race.

2. Define your 4 key values. What are the values ​​you need? On what values ​​do you want to build your life? The 4 values ​​you choose are the 4 values ​​on which you can build your life now (these values ​​may change over the years). So before making a big decision, you will look at whether this decision or this new situation is in line with your key values.
I give you mine as example: Joy, love, gratitude and authenticity. I am therefore vigilant before undertaking anything, that what I am going to do will give me joy, that I can do it with love, that I feel gratitude by visualising my objective and that this action is in agreement with who I am.

3. Evaluate your advisors. You can seek advice from other people, but be careful not to let your decisions be made by someone else. And above all, be vigilant to whom you ask advice and by whom you let you consult. Does the person I ask for advice have the same values ​​or similar values? Is this person in a situation where I would like to be? Does this person have expertise on the subject that I ask for information on? Is the person a person who realizes his own dreams? If the answer is no, change your advisor.

I reassure you right away, all these things will come automatically after a while. The mind will collaborate with the heart instead of trying to dominate it and the decisions you make will increasingly be consistent with your values ​​and dreams, even without thinking. Your life will take a race more suited to you and your wishes without you having to make a lot of effort.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Keep your free will, do not believe, live it, experience for yourself.

Keep your free will, do not believe, live it, experience for yourself.

Regularly people who had distanced themselves with me come back into my universe. It is true that I, too, have to distance myself from certain people whom I do not want to rub shoulders, on the other hand I do it very simply by moving away, without hurt or violence and without me dump in criticism or various names of birds.

We often meet in our lives people who are self-proclaimed "Guides" and who have discovered "gifts" that come to us to help us, or for our good, without our having asked for anything. These people offer us to "convince us of their truth" under cover that all is one and one is everything, and especially that they hold it truth (thus it makes it unique ...)

The problem is that often these people are so persuaded to know, that they are like full glasses that no longer accept anything.

On the other hand, they have (some, not all) very, very, very often, conflicts to be settled either with themselves or their own image (often translated or in the world of matter), or this conflict is with their father (the supra conscious, the inner self, our soul) or with the company.

How can one claim to be "conscious" or "awakened" and to be in conflict with one's soul? The soul knows. Would it be to say that these people are aware of not being what they claim to be ...

Another element often troubling people who want to impose their vision on things, need others to do their job, or to do with (or for) them, or to create communities ... and need an audience or a court to exist. If it is people are in harmony with it, and with the universe, why do they need to bring others to exist?

There is also the version, usually after a long journey of awakening and accompanying, and after soliciting without restraint and without knowing the therapist who accompanies them, there is the version: »A therapist does not serve nothing, everyone is a therapist, I will open a wake-up center or a school ... "Sic ...

There is also one that I like: "You are in judgment, it is not universal love, who are we to judge? "Is not this sentence also a judgment ... I am only a human and I grant myself the right to do faults, it is by making mistakes that one learns.

Some of them parasitic energy, and the free will of those they claim (or want) to help, by taking them into an intellectual labyrinth of endless questioning. Is that peace?

To keep your own spirit of analysis, to test by yourself the affirmations that are made to you, listen to your heart, he knows. Preserve yourself from the spiritual ego.

In a quest for enlightenment, spirituality is developed with the higher Chakras. Do even more work on the Root Chakra to be rooted in reality, keep your common sense, your humility, your freedom and your autonomy of thought.

Stop wanting to become, Be! . I am, I am, visually resembles Jesus, and if our divine part was already in our «Being» ... being, still have a word with two meanings (verb or noun ...)

Together we issue different hypotheses that can offer you new options, a new approach, to accompany you, enable you to realize your well-being and your achievement at this level of existence.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Karma and Reincarnation

Karma and Reincarnation

The word karma is increasingly used nowadays, but very few people understand what this word means. Everyone knows the boomerang effect: what I do to others will come back to me someday; this is what karma means. We reap what we sow. Most of us are on earth because we have a mission to fulfil and debts to pay for life.

The law of karma is therefore not a punishment but a law of love that brings hope. Through love, we understand the consequences of our actions so that our soul can grow. A life is not sufficient for the soul to pay its karmic debts. Because we have a free will, we can change our destiny and through the violet flame we can transmute this karma.

According to tradition, the law of karma reveals our thoughts, words and actions, positive as well as negative, and of which we will personally bear the consequences, positively or negatively. Karma is our greatest benefactor because it sends us back the good we have done to others; it is also our greatest master because it enables us to learn from our mistakes.

The belief in karma and reincarnation can be found in many cultures and religions, both ancient and modern. For example, in Hinduism one explains that the soul reaps what it has sown in past lives, the good as the bad. In ancient Greece, Pythagoras taught that the many incarnations of the soul gave him the possibility of purifying and perfecting himself.

In the Judeo-Christian tradition, Jesus himself teaches us that we are karmically responsible for our words: "Every word without foundation that men have spoken, they will report on the Day of Judgment. The apostle Paul announces the law of karma when he declares: "For what is sown is gathered ... Each one will receive his own wages according to his own labor. The flame violet, gift of Saint-Germain, is the flame that activates in us the mercy, the forgiveness and the transmutation of this karma. The violet flame transmutes the cause, the effect, the register and the memory of all that is not harmony divine within us. It can help us in the process of solving karma to make us a new being.

Rising Out The Emotional Body

We have an emotional body, and a mental body. The purpose of human evolution is to rise out of the emotional body (and most of us are very much focused there) and become in the center of our mental body. When we ultimately achieve this, many of our human problems will be solved with ease. For example, many diseases will be eliminated, because most sickness originates from our emotional nature. I do predict that someday this will happen, and mankind will truly advance in many ways.

The Earth is only one small planet in this big, seemingly endless Universe. God made this great Universe. God is this Universe. We only have to learn how to tune in to God’s harmonious vibration.

"There are very few human beings who receive the truth, complete and staggering, by instant illumination.  Most of them acquire it fragment by fragment, on a small scale, by successive developments, cellularly, like a laborious mosaic ~ Anais Nin
One way to keep in a positive frame of mind is to remember that our spirit is occupying our human body. We are connected to the spiritual realm through the very special pineal gland located in out brain.  This is our psychic center, also known as the Third Eye. The more the pineal gland is activated, the more psychic and spiritually aware we become. One way we can develop the Third Eye is by doing meditative chanting.

EarthBound Spirit

I would like you to understand that on this planet Earth you have chosen to experience duality. And within our framework of duality you have created negative and positive. You have created good and bad. You have created darkness and light.
Part of our awakening and unfoldment toward enlightenment is our ability to transcend our creation here on planet Earth, and to be in complete and total alignment with our highest truth, and that of God, and of the Universe.
We are an extension of all that is beyond the planet Earth, but as we are functioning as a human being at this time, i would like to discuss our creation of malevolent and benevolent beings, entitiesghosts, or earthbound spirits.
Just as there is good and bad on planet Earth, and in our reality experience as a human being, so too we have created good and bad within the dimension that surrounds us, the earth plane. We have also created spirits, or ghosts, or ‘trapped energy’ if we will. These are spirits or energies that have chosen not to go into the light. These spirits or energies can influence and interfere as we choose to allow, or deny, in the same way other humans can influence and interfere in our life, if we allow them.
Monsters are real, and ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win ~ Stephen King

This might be a difficult concept to wrap our head around, but all of our experiences are simply an illusion, as A Course in Miracles points out. The only thing that is real is love. So, then, it would make sense that the invisible energies that we feel around us, are simply a creation of our mind in this time-space reality. We are not talking about spirits that move into the light; we are talking here of earthbound spirits, which are simply a creation and extension of your energy field. 

Part of the New Earth energy, the purpose and function of the ascension of this planet, is to bring in the remembrance of our initial creation – that we are a light being able to transcend the duality created by humanity.

The duality of our human life is a necessary component to the evolution of our soul, and our planet. As we are able to function with this awareness it brings a deeper meaning to our existence, it allows a freedom to move into our field of awareness that may not have existed before, continually bringing ourselves back to ground zero, to love.

The belief in a supernatural source of evil is not necessary; men alone are quite capable of every wickedness ~ Joseph Conrad

It is within the scope of love that all negativity in your life, in the earthbound spirit world, in the realms of dimension that you have created, will begin to dissolve and disappear.

Sun Walking On The Road.

Touching The Sun


Sunday, January 22, 2012

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