Sunday, October 14, 2012

EarthBound Spirit

I would like you to understand that on this planet Earth you have chosen to experience duality. And within our framework of duality you have created negative and positive. You have created good and bad. You have created darkness and light.
Part of our awakening and unfoldment toward enlightenment is our ability to transcend our creation here on planet Earth, and to be in complete and total alignment with our highest truth, and that of God, and of the Universe.
We are an extension of all that is beyond the planet Earth, but as we are functioning as a human being at this time, i would like to discuss our creation of malevolent and benevolent beings, entitiesghosts, or earthbound spirits.
Just as there is good and bad on planet Earth, and in our reality experience as a human being, so too we have created good and bad within the dimension that surrounds us, the earth plane. We have also created spirits, or ghosts, or ‘trapped energy’ if we will. These are spirits or energies that have chosen not to go into the light. These spirits or energies can influence and interfere as we choose to allow, or deny, in the same way other humans can influence and interfere in our life, if we allow them.
Monsters are real, and ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win ~ Stephen King

This might be a difficult concept to wrap our head around, but all of our experiences are simply an illusion, as A Course in Miracles points out. The only thing that is real is love. So, then, it would make sense that the invisible energies that we feel around us, are simply a creation of our mind in this time-space reality. We are not talking about spirits that move into the light; we are talking here of earthbound spirits, which are simply a creation and extension of your energy field. 

Part of the New Earth energy, the purpose and function of the ascension of this planet, is to bring in the remembrance of our initial creation – that we are a light being able to transcend the duality created by humanity.

The duality of our human life is a necessary component to the evolution of our soul, and our planet. As we are able to function with this awareness it brings a deeper meaning to our existence, it allows a freedom to move into our field of awareness that may not have existed before, continually bringing ourselves back to ground zero, to love.

The belief in a supernatural source of evil is not necessary; men alone are quite capable of every wickedness ~ Joseph Conrad

It is within the scope of love that all negativity in your life, in the earthbound spirit world, in the realms of dimension that you have created, will begin to dissolve and disappear.

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